#MotivationalMorning...One Great Thing After The Order

Sunday, March 20, 2016

One great thing after another if you let yourself get pulled in too many directions at once, you’ll never make much progress in any of those directions. In order to say yes to real achievement, you must be willing to say no to other things. There is much you can do, yet you cannot do everything. As compelling as the entire universe of possibilities may be, you must narrow your focus if you’re to fulfill any of them.

Though your love has no limit, you are limited by the number of hours in each day. Though your love may encompass all that is, to express that love.  you must be more specific. Just because you give your focus and attention to something in particular, does not mean you’re ungrateful for all else. On the contrary, it means you’re making effective use of your life to create value for all of life. Saying no one can be positive. Because it frees you to focus on something that makes a real difference.
Give yourself to a purpose that feels right to
you, and don’t let other possibilities pull you away. Instead of vainly trying to do it all at once, choose to succeed at doing one great thing after another.

— Ralph Marston


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